Wire Rope Integrity Services Wire Rope TerminationIMES International socketing technicians are independently trained to ensure the finest socketing solution for safety, dependability, and unparalleled fatigue performance. Wire Rope & Umbilical SocketingIMES International wire rope technicians carry out the full range of socketing at the customer’s sites onshore, offshore and around the globe at short notice to re-terminate: –Crane RopesWinch WiresMooring and Anchor LinesTow and Work WiresLifeboat fall wires Wire Rope SafetyAs the safety and performance of the wire rope can be affected by the competencies of the person carrying out the socketing procedure, it is essential that only qualified and experienced personnel carry out these tasks.The fitting of end terminations to ropes is considered safety critical and as a result, the methods to be adopted are described in standards such as ISO 17558 [Latest revision] – Steel wire ropes – Socketing procedures and BS EN 13411-4 [Latest revision] – Terminations for steel wire ropes. These standards provide the necessary theoretical information to enable a safe process for end connections. Contact Us Contact us today to find out how we can support your next project. Contact Us
IMES International socketing technicians are independently trained to ensure the finest socketing solution for safety, dependability, and unparalleled fatigue performance.
Wire Rope & Umbilical SocketingIMES International wire rope technicians carry out the full range of socketing at the customer’s sites onshore, offshore and around the globe at short notice to re-terminate: –Crane RopesWinch WiresMooring and Anchor LinesTow and Work WiresLifeboat fall wires
As the safety and performance of the wire rope can be affected by the competencies of the person carrying out the socketing procedure, it is essential that only qualified and experienced personnel carry out these tasks.The fitting of end terminations to ropes is considered safety critical and as a result, the methods to be adopted are described in standards such as ISO 17558 [Latest revision] – Steel wire ropes – Socketing procedures and BS EN 13411-4 [Latest revision] – Terminations for steel wire ropes. These standards provide the necessary theoretical information to enable a safe process for end connections.